Writing music is a lot like journaling or even a type of therapeutic exercise to some degree. Songs like Midwest Sunset fall into the category of both things. Jet Jurgensmeyer co-wrote Midwest Sunset with Ericca Latza after a Facetime call for another song, checking her interest in his story idea and melody. Hoping that the momentum and energy of the song wouldn't diminish during the weeks between its inception and completion, Jet was pleasantly surprised to find that the final version captured his original vision, if not an even better one. The song compares a person to a glorious sunset, capturing the moment while watching it in its prime until it fades. They sit on the back of a tailgate, enjoying a deep connection while admiring the boldness and spectacular colors. The song is so personal to Jet that he was a bit nervous to write it, he sat on the idea of it for some time before beginning the process. It is an acoustic song featuring Jet on guitar, with John Willis providing background vocals and additional guitar. It gives you the feeling of a friend gathering around a fire pit, playing music together.
(partial lyrics-Midwest Sunset)
"Wanna see a Lincoln sunrise
Bring out the green in your eyes
From a field that nobody knows
Backroad right through a map dot
Hair down shotgun jackpot
Kinda spark I ain't afraid to hold
When it comes to love
It all comes down to us
Couple a hearts on fire
Honey it's because
When I think of you
My mind’s running wild
To a tailgate view
The sky is lighting up your smile
Show you what I mean
Lay back in the bed
Let you shine on me like a
Midwest sunset"
Jet Jurgensmeyer is currently working on an acoustic EP, along with a full-production album. The songs will reflect his age and life experiences as a pre-law student, actor, and musician. Keep up with Jet on his social media and website for his show schedule.
Thank You, Jet, for catching me up to date with your new music and plans, In A Country Minute.